August 11-12, 2021
The Third Al-Noor International Conference for Science and Technology (3NICST2021) is an annual international scientific conference that includes three main streams. The first one is engineering, the Science stream is the second, and the last stream is Agricultural; it includes a variety of topics in these three streams. The conference was supposed to be held in the city of Muscat-Oman on August 11-12, 2021. It was planned to have tours on August 13-14, 2021, in the city of Muscat. However, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the conference was held physically in attendance and online using the virtual conference application (Zoom APP) on August 11-12, 2021. Where the opening Ceremony was physical attendance, while the sessions contained physical and online presentations. The conference committees received 72 papers, 47 papers were accepted, and 25 papers were rejected. The research papers participating in the conference were published in eight journals. They are Conference Proceedings, two Engineering journals (JMERD and DE (Toronto)), four journals within the disciplines of applied and Pure Science (IJIES, TURCOMAT, BCA, and SJE), and two journals for Agricultural Science (RP and AJWEP). Most of the researchers received acceptance from journals before the date of the conference, and this was the main goal of the conference committees. The conference is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research-Iraq, the University of Technology-Iraq, the University of Nizwa staff – Oman, the University of Northampton staff – UK, the Environment Research Center-Iraq, Iraqi Society for EngineeringManagement and Al Maarif University College-Iraq. The conference committees attempted to open up prospects for cooperation with all universities in the conference activities by selecting session chairs and keynote speakers from them. The conference opening ceremony was distinctive by inviting keynote speakers from Oman and the UK. To open up prospects for cooperation with universities and to achieve the best results globally, the conference committees invited all Universities (governmental and private), Scientific Institutions, and Researchers to participate in the activities of the Fourth Al-Noor International Conference for Science and Technology (4NICST2022), which will be held in Istanbul / Turkey in August17-18, 2021.
Papers Title
Paper ID | Paper Title |
AG1001 | The effect of fertilizing using Trichoderma harzianum and cow manure on releasing CO2 in two soils with different textures in north Iraq |
AG1002 | Azotobacter spp. Bioremediation Chemosate |
AG1003 | An Economic Analysis for Government Intervention Policies in Pricing and Marketing of Tomato Crop in Iraq During the Year 2020 |
AG1004 | Accumulation Plants Heavy Metals in Some of The Iraq and Polish Areas Through Last Eighteen Years |
AG1005 | The Effect of Environmentally Safe Nanosynthesis with Copper Particles by Using Citrus Aurantium Fruit Extract Against Harmful Mosquitoes. |
AG1006 | Green Biosynthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Testing Their Inhibitory Efficacy Against Some Pathogens |
AG1007 | Antioxidant, Antiprotoscolices Activity of Ethanolic Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants Against Echinococcus Granulosus (An In-Vitro Study) |
AG1008 | Measuring the economic and technical efficiency and its reflection in achieving the highest production rates for wheat farms in Nineveh Governorate for the agricultural season (2019-2020) |
AG1010 | Vermicompost, Seaweed Extract and Nitrogen Fertilizers Influence on Maize (Zea mays L.) Soil Rhizosphere Microbes |
AG1012 | Effect of Row Spacing and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Growth and Green Forage Yield of Sorghum |
Paper ID | Paper Title |
AS1002 | Estimation of Hazard Rate Function for Building Second Order Mixed Model using Fuzzy Techniques |
AS1003 | The Effect of Surfactant (Cocamidopropyl Betaine) On Some Algal Species and Microcystine in Wastewater Treatment Plants |
AS1004 | Phytoconstituents Screening of Naringin and Naringenin antimicrobial properties Extracted from Grapefruit Peels |
AS1004 | Phytoconstituents Screening of Naringin and Naringenin Antimicrobial Properties Extracted from Grapefruit Peels |
AS1006 | Dispersive Optical solution with Kudryashov’s Arbitrary Refractive Index structure |
AS1009 | Gnosis of Acute Toxoplasmosis Infection in Early Pregnancy by “VIDAS Test of IgG Avidity” |
AS1010 | Fiitely semiHollow-Lifting Modules |
AS1011 | Novel Iraqi Strains of Acinetobacter baumannii and their Physiological characteristics |
AS1012 | Impact of sewage sludge application on soil characteristics, morphological and biochemical properties of Vigna radiate plant |
AS1013 | Deep Learning Algorithm Using Text Classification |
AS1014 | Evaluation Of Lycopene Activity as Anti-Trachoma Treatment |
AS1015 | Automatic Panoramic Medical Image stitching improvement based on feature-based approach |
AS1017 | Estimation of Cefalexin in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Preparations Via Promethazine and Chroma zurol S Reagents |
AS1023 | Adaptive 1-D Polynomial Coding of C621 Base for Image Compression |
AS1025 | Hybrid System for Plagiarism Detection on A Scientific Paper |
AS1028 | Determination of Indomethacin Derivative via Xylenol Orange Dye |
AS1029 | Heat Current across Double Quantum Dots in Serial Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads in Antiparallel Configuration |
AS1030 | Study Significance of Low Plasma Homocysteine or Hypohomocysteinemia and some parameter to Syndrome Covid-19 in Iraq Basrah City |
AS1031 | Interactions of asthma Severity and response to treatment with β2-adrenergic polymorphisms in a sample of Iraqi Children |
AS1033 | Lossy Image Compression Using Hybrid Deep Learning Autoencoder Based On k-mean Clustering. |
AS1034 | Gama Platform Survey for Agent-Based Modelling |
AS1035 | Air pollution: A study of its concept, causes, sources, and effects |
Paper ID | Paper Title |
EN1008 | Environmental Assessment of Future Potential Evaporation for Al-Najaf Governorate, Iraq Through Evaluating Various Estimation Methods using Statistical Downscaling Model |
EN1009 | A Compact Ultra-Wide Band E-Shaped Slot Antennas for High-Speed Wireless Networks |
EN1012 | Performance Enhancement of Vertical Pumps in a Sewage Station By an Engineered Amelioration Approach |
EN1014 | A Simplified Design of CPAP Device Construction by Using Arduino NANO for OSA Patients |
EN1015 | Fabricating magnetic NiFe2O4/activated carbon composites as efficient recyclable adsorbents for adsorptive desulfurization of liquid fuel |
EN1016 | Experimental Investigation of a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Performance with Baffles Fitted to the Inner Pipe |
EN1017 | Chest CT Images Analysis with Deep-Learning and Handcrafted Based Algorithms for COVID-19 Diagnosis |
EN1019 | Study the Suitability of Water Quality for Agricultural Uses in Al- Diwaniyah Governorate in Iraq |
EN1020 | Integration of Lean Concepts and Line Balancing Focusing on Value Adding Activities |
EN1021 | Modeling the effect of magnesia nanoparticles on CO hydrogenation to light olefins in a continuous flow reactor using Fine Gaussian Support Vector Machine |